Hours & Scheduling

Updated Hours

Monday: By Appointment

Tuesday: By Appointment

Wednesday: Closed

Thursday: By Appointment

Friday: By Appointment

Sat/Sun: Closed

Schedule Your Visit

Before scheduling, please refer to our policies at the bottom of this page.


Call Jennifer at 503.679.5327. I look forward to seeing you!

Cancellation Policy

24 Hour Advance Notice is required when cancelling an appointment.

This allows the opportunity for someone else to schedule in that time slot.

If you are unable to give 24 hours advance notice you may be charged the full amount of your appointment. This amount must be paid prior to your next scheduled appointment.


Anyone who either forgets or consciously chooses to forgo their appointment for whatever reason will be considered a “no-show.” They will be charged for their missed appointment.

Reminders/confirmations are sent out 48/24-hours in advance of every appointment; this is the best time to call, email, or text to reschedule. Please do not wait until the day of, unless you are sick (see covid policy below).

Late Arrivals

If you arrive late, your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours.

Depending upon how late you arrive, your practitioner will determine if there is enough time remaining to start a treatment.

Regardless of the length of treatment actually given, you will be responsible for the full cost of the scheduled session.

Note: No refunds are given for services rendered.

Lash Policies

If you have concerns about allergic reactions or sensitivities to extensions, please request a patch test (consisting of approx. 5 extensions placed on each eye. Allergies typically reveal within 24 hours.)

Please do not drink caffeine before your appointment

Caffeine or drugs that create a jittery state make the eyelids twitch, which prevents clean isolation of lashes. This affects your retention and can lead to lash loss.

Please keep chatting to a minimum

Talking causes the eyelids to twitch and blink. In order to have the best, longest lasting lashes possible, it is imperative to lay still - no caffeine, no talking, no gum chewing.

This is your time and your money - make the most of it by allowing yourself some quiet time.

Fills of another lash artist's work will be done on a case-by-case basis

Consultations are required if you currently have lash extensions and are new to Luminaria Studios. Full removal and a fresh new set of lash extensions may be necessary, depending on the current state of your lashes.

I will fix minor issues in the first 24-hours for free

After the first 24-hours, adding lashes will be billed at the standard fill rate. If you notice dramatic, unforced loss of lashes in the first 24 hours (more than 15, not caused by picking/pulling), please contact Jennifer immediately for consultation and corrective work.

No refunds will be given for any reason

Credit may be offered on a case-by-case basis.

Because of my training and continued education, I take pride in the quality of my work and treat every client equally, and with respect.

I provide all the tools and instructions necessary to care for your lashes and make them last as long as possible. I do reserve the right to discontinue service for any reason. Please care for your investment.

I look forward to working with you!

Give me a call today to schedule, or if you have any questions: 503.679.5327

NEW: Covid Policies

To ensure safety of clients and practitioners alike, the following policies take effect immediately:


Masks or face coverings are required. If you do not have a mask, one can be purchased for $2.

Door is locked while we are with clients, and will be unlocked prior to your appointment. If you need assistance, please ring doorbell or text/call your practitioner.

Upon arrival, please wash hands in the bathroom or use the hand sanitizer provided.

All surfaces are sanitized at the beginning/end of each work day, and in between each client - including all handles, doorknobs, pens, and faucets. Tools and implements are disinfected in Barbicide solution. Fresh air is provided through proper ventilation. The air is kept cool inside the studio for safety purposes; if you get chilled, please feel free to bring your own blanket, or one will be provided.

(COVID policies will be updated as restrictions come and go. Please watch this page for updates or follow @luminariastudios on Instagram)

Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
— John Ray